Wednesday 27 January 2010

Baked Salmon with Tomatoes, Spinach and Mushrooms

I like to eat salmon very much, rare or cooked. Eat salmon fish is very good for our health, this evening I try to search on salmon fish recipe on yahoo and found out this great one, see the picture .
Is it nice ? I like it very much, if you like to taste it too, you can find it at yahoo recipes, it called Baked Salmon with Tomatoes, Spinach and Mushrooms

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Important things to know for our health

Today I start to blog again after had celebration new year with my family. But in this post I am not going to blog about new year, I want to share to you, that I just read an article on Yahoo health, it say that there have 5 Bogus Diets That Will Do More Harm Than Good. And when I first start to see what is it, I am surprised that I found cabbage is one of them too......I love to eat cabbage, cook as soup or stir fry too. It said that :
With obesity as one of our top killers, it is no surprise that Americans are scrambling for any kind of weight loss help. Unfortunately, in this eternal struggle to be thin and healthy, people end up looking for salvation in all the wrong places. Instead of relying on exercise and following the credo "everything in moderation," we turn to miracle solutions, diet supplements, and calorie deprivation. The results are the following bogus diets that may work in the short term, but may also cause severe harm to your body over time.

1. The Cabbage Soup Diet

The title is self explanatory: the dieter's survival is based on a constant intake of cabbage soup. Even on the Cabbage Soup Diet website, red flags are evident. The first being the opening words on the homepage, warning that the diet should not be used long term and that followers of the Cabbage Soup Diet have felt light-headed, weak, and have suffered a lack in concentration. The second red flag appears in the suggested seven day menu. Each day, the dieter is instructed to "stuff themselves" with a different food group. How about a little "moderation?" The third warning lies in the "Health" section of the website, warning the dieter that the diet lacks "complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals," all of which are necessary for your body to function properly.

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