Friday 21 March 2014

Blogging And Boring

I feel a little boring this time , now my local time is 17: 33 in noon. I just made a small cup of oolong tea and try to enjoy  it . Eat some snack and peanuts. And try to make a post at my blogs.
Actually I have made 3 posts at my other blogs , all my blogs have 5 . I think some of you maybe thinking too much blogs.. May be you are righ too , but when I made these blogs at about 2006 or 2007 ago. I am very excited to blogging and it is very nice if I have lots of blogs..
But now cause of working time too much ,blogging time very less , this blogs seems seldom to update. But really I  love blogging and I don't want to delete my blogs. That's why I try to log in and makes some post to update it.